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現(xiàn)在很多車主都從網(wǎng)上訂購汽車雨刮片,但是有些車主是自己沒有動過手安裝的,拿到后,還是會找修理店或者美容中心的師傅更換。其實,只要大家看一下下面的安裝的流程,相信會越來越多的人會自己更換。自已動手豐衣足食。這篇介紹ü型接口汽車有骨雨刮器拆卸,安裝方式.U型接口,又稱通用接口,掛鉤接口,主要是因為接口拆卸后搖臂形狀如同掛鉤常見ü型接口雨刷有三種:1有骨雨刷(鐵架雨刷); 2三段式雨刷; 3一體無骨雨刷需要準(zhǔn)備的工具和原料:毛巾一條(做墊子用),適用車型雨刮器.XX
One way to replace the wiper blade (U-hook): To remove the wiper of the original factory, first set the wiper up two steps: hold down the clip below and remove three steps: remove the wiper of the original car from one side, but Be careful, don“t let the rocker arm come back and smash the front windshield by four steps: turn the front end of the middle clamp up, it is easy to install five steps: after inserting the middle clamp, tighten! When you heard the slamming, you got into the six steps: the driver“s seat and the passenger“s seat of some models have different wiper sizes. They are usually the length of the driver“s seat. The passenger seat is short. Don“t pretend that it is the same size. It doesn“t matter if it“s seven steps: install the passenger“s seat wiper, look at the direction, tighten it, and hear a slamxx

In contact with the glass type, the wiper should be cleaned except for its structure. The important part is the strip. Since the wiper wipes the glass rainwater by the wiper strip, the strip design is very important. The wiper strip material is divided into two categories: natural rubber and synthetic rubber, among which synthetic rubber has a long service life. Generally, the high-grade wiper will be made of double-layer rubber. The soft rubber will be used at the joint between the strip and the steel to ensure good smoothness when wiping, and the glass is bonded to the glass. A slightly hard material allows the strip to have a certain amount of force to scrape the rain. In addition, the grade of the strip will also affect the quietness and service life of the wiper. Some products will add an additional graphite component to make the wiper quieter and smoother.xx