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金剛砂簡介:Introduction of silicon carbide
棕剛玉、黑剛玉、白剛玉、碳化硅統(tǒng)稱金剛砂,是用礬土、碳素材料、鐵屑三種原料在電爐中經(jīng)過融化還原而制得的人造剛玉,故為此名。金剛砂主要化學(xué)成份是 AL2O3,其含量在94.5%-97%,另含有少量的Fe,Si,Ti等。
Brown corundum, black corundum, white corundum, silicon carbide known as carborundum, is made of alumina, carbon materials, scrap iron three kinds of raw materials in electric furnace melting reduction of artificial corundum, reason for this name.Emery main chemical composition is AL2O3, and its content from 94.5% to 94.5%, the other contains a small amount of Fe, Si, Ti, etc.13315154530
金剛砂的等級的劃分:The level of silicon carbide
金剛砂主成分是氧化鋁,分等級也就用氧化鋁含量來區(qū)分,金剛砂氧化鋁含量越低也就硬度越低了。韌性好比 SiC 高,顯微硬度1800-2200kg/mm2,體積密度≥3.85g/cm3,耐高溫,耐火度高達(dá)1850℃。

金剛砂的使用范圍:The scope of application of silicon carbide
1. Sandblasting, moderate hardness, high packing density, no free silica, than major, good toughness and is the ideal "environmental protection" type sand blasting materials, widely used in aluminum, copper profile glass, washing jeans precision molds, and other fields;
2. The free abrasive, abrasive abrasive, applied to the tube, optical glass, monocrystalline silicon, lenses, clocks with glass, crystal glass, jade in areas such as free grinding, grinding is adopted widely in the domestic advanced materials;
3. The resin abrasive, abrasive has color appropriate, good hardness and toughness, suitable particle cross section type and keeping degree blade, used in resin abrasive, effect is ideal;