名稱 光功率計
產地 美國
型號 MAP-230
電壓 220V
兼容 MAP-280
用途 光纖產品一致性測試
應用 光網絡產品
服務方式 租賃、出售
是否提供維修 是
是否定制 否
顯示 LCD
Advanced 16-bit technology coupled with careful designs that isolate digital and analog signals ensure precision control and measurement capabilities. GPIB/IEEE-488.2 and RS-232C interfaces are included with the Model 8000 mainframe for complete remote control and data collection. LabVIEW drivers are supplied with every Model 8000 Modular Controller.

GPIB/IEEE-488 and RS-232C interfaces are included with the High-Density Laser Diode Controller Models for complete remote control and data collection.
Modules 8605.16C and 8610.16C:
The 8600C Series Combo LDD/TEC modules are designed for use in communication applications and have an internal function generator for testing systems. The user only needs to program the frequency, Imax, and Imin to modulate the laser diode output. Triangle, sine or square (50% duty cycle) waveforms are available from 200 Hz-300 kHz. This range of frequencies meets today's low frequency single-tone and high data rate test requirements for datacom and telecom.
Module 8350:
A 40 Watt Temperature Controller Module, the Model 8350, can meet your most demanding TE cooling needs. Complete characterization of ITE, VTE and the sensor input is possible, making the 8350 module ideal for complete characterization of telecom laser diodes.

LDC-3908 8通道模塊化主機具有與我們流行的LDC-3916 16通道激光二管控制器相同的強大功能。實際上,兩個儀器之間的模塊可以互換。 LDC-3908的更小尺寸和更輕的重量使其成為較小通道數應用(例如EDFA和拉曼放大器的研發(fā)或生產測試)的理想儀器。
前面板的手柄和底部的上翻腳便于在臺式機上使用,而法蘭則便于安裝到標準的19英寸儀器架中。 “智能”模塊包括具有高達1.5A激光電流源和9W TEC控制的控制器模塊,具有兩個高達1A的隔離電流的雙電流源模塊,一個雙9W TEC模塊,一個3A激光電流模塊和一個3A 24W TEC模塊。
通過IEEE / GPIB接口的遠程通信簡化了對多個設備的測試和控制。 LabVIEW®驅動程序也可用于大型機和模塊的任何組合。 LabVIEW®儀器驅動程序是免費提供的,可以從大型機和模塊產品頁面的“文獻和下載”選項卡中下載。
類型LDC-3908 8 Channel Modular Mainframe
計算機接口GPIB and RS-232
顯示類型Vacuum Fluorescent 64 x 128 pixel
重量24 kg

The Model 8000 mainframe automatically detects which module is located in each bay and displays the entire system configuration on the large LCD display. All you do is follow on-screen instructions to configure and operate the modular system.